During this time of crisis in our beloved Israel, HERZOG has dramatically expanded all of its mental health and psychotrauma services, adding psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers to help the thousands of people affected emotionally by the war.
The staffs of both Herzog’s Metiv-Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma, and its Community Mental Health Center, are working with the survivors of the massacre of 7th October and their families to assist them to deal with both the short-term and long-term mental health challenges which they now face. Our Psychotrauma Center staff is working in four different hotels with evacuees from communities from the South.
We have also initiated an additional mental health program called Helping the Helpers, since so many health-care professionals have been dealing with untold horrors. Therapists are hearing unimaginable stories from victims and survivors. They, too, are going to need help to process what they are seeing and hearing.
Herzog has already received over 100 patients – many of them on ventilators – from hospitals in the South and the North, in order to make more beds available at hospitals in those regions. To meet this urgent situation, we have re-opened our 160-bed sheltered emergency underground hospital.
The following article describes our Psychotrauma Center’s initiative to train health-care professionals so that they are familiar with the most up-to-date methods to help our many countrymen in need.
To meet the ever-increasing costs of caring for our wounded and traumatized your support is needed – now, more than ever. We are extremely grateful to all who have so generously come forward to assist us.
Hoping and praying for better times: the release of the hostages – the recovery of the wounded – and our comforting wishes for the thousands of families who have lost a loved one.
At this time that is so critical for our beloved Israel, we ask for your help, so that HERZOG may continue its vital work in caring for, and treating, so many who have suffered so greatly from this base and cowardly onslaught of terror.
Thank you!
Please help us to help Herzog continue its vital work
during this critical time.