
Wishing You a Shanah Tovah!

Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital, For 130 years, since its establishment in 1894, HERZOG HOSPITAL has provided essential health care for all Israelis through every war Israel has faced. Now, once again, Herzog has demonstrated its historic strength with the current Iron Swords war which broke out last October 7th. This year, trauma and anxiety are impacting all levels and sectors of society. Herzog Hospital’s dedicated staff has been working around the clock to provide a secure environment for offer…

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Join Us in Supporting Herzog Medical Center’s Ongoing Efforts to Heal Israel’s Heroes

We all continue to be concerned about the events in Israel, and the price we have paid. The staff at Herzog Medical Center have been incredibly determined to help each individual who comes to us for care. Join Chairman of the Board Shamai Keinan in this new video, as he meets with some of the patients and their families who are being cared for at Herzog – patients suffering with both physical wounds, and psychological issues.     YouTube video: Herzog…

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Celebrating 130 years of Herzog Hospital

Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital, We are very proud to present to you a feature article that appeared in this past weekend’s Jerusalem Post. The article celebrates 130 years of Herzog Hospital, from its beginnings in 1894 as Ezrath Nashim Hospital, to The Herzog Medical Centre of 2024. Herzog Medical Center director-general Dr. Jacob ‘Kobi’ Haviv at the geriatric wards(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) Founded in 1894 by a women’s association called Ezrath Nashim (Help to Women), the initial small hospital was dedicated to the improvement…

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Assessment of Trauma in Israel by Herzog Medical Center

Professor Pinchas Dannon, Director of the Division of Psychiatry at Herzog Hospital, presents a poignant assessment of the various challenges of trauma needs in Israel today.  The following article was published in E-Jewish Philanthropy. It is important reading that will give you a good insight into what is happening in mental health/psychotrauma in Israel. Herzog Hospital’s historic and pioneering work in all areas of mental health positions us to be one of the leading forces in Israel to help develop the…

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A Message from Dr. Yehezkel Caine,President, Herzog Hospital

Dr. Yehezkel Caine, President of Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem, spoke at Temple Anshei Shalom of Delray Beach, Florida, on Sunday, January 14, 2024. Ahead of his presentation, Dr. Caine explained his role as president, and expressed how the hospital’s mission has been affected since the Hamas-Israel war began on October 7th, 2023. “As president, my main focus is on the strategic development of the hospital; issues of planning, construction, research/ development and fundraising. October 7th has shined a spotlight…

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Happy 129th Birthday, Herzog Medical Center

It all started in 1894 in the Old City of Jerusalem. On the fifth night of Hanukkah, a group of women wanted to help other women, who were having mental health issues after they gave birth. In those days, no one knew about postpartum depression. So these courageous women organized the Ezrat Nashim Association to provide these new mothers with a special home to give them time to return to themselves. This home soon became the first psychiatric hospital in the Middle…

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Israel’s Ministry of Defense designated Herzog Hospital as the official centre for Jerusalem

Several months ago, Israel’s Ministry of Defense designated Herzog Hospital as the official centre for Jerusalem, the surrounding areas and the south of Israel, to treat soldiers suffering from mental health/PTSD problems. With the onset of the war, the Ministry has asked us to immediately open and begin receiving discharged soldiers who need help. The Ministry of Defense has a special category which identifies individuals who were so seriously affected psychologically by their army service that they need mental health counselling.…

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Herzog Meeting The Needs Of The Traumatized

During this time of crisis in our beloved Israel, HERZOG has dramatically expanded all of its mental health and psychotrauma services, adding psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers to help the thousands of people affected emotionally by the war.  The staffs of both Herzog’s Metiv-Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma, and its Community Mental Health Center, are working with the survivors of the massacre of 7th October and their families to assist them to deal with both the short-term and long-term mental health challenges which they now face. Our…

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