Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital,
Over 150 people from four different organizations from across America attended a moving ceremony at Herzog Hospital to donate 118 custom designed wheelchairs for the children and adults in Herzog’s Children’s Chronic Respiratory Department, and Adult Respiratory Department. Spearheaded by the Forster Family Foundation, these wheelchairs have enabled our children to sit up, and not just lie in their beds. The children can now be taken outside for fresh air, and see their environment, while still attached to their respirator. Dedicated trained volunteers traveled from the US to assemble each custom-fitted wheelchair.
Just by being able to sit up, they are seeing a whole new world, and not just the world around their bed.
In another miracle, our staff was able to arrange for one of our children to be taken by special ambulance to visit the Kotel — The Western Wall.
The moving photos below only tell part of these stories.

And now we have been offered another miracle. A foundation in the US has committed to fund 50% towards the purchase of a new $360,000 urgently needed oxygen generator to meet the increase in the number of children and adults on respirators at Herzog Hospital. The oxygen generator supplies a continuous source of oxygen for our patients, without relying on outside sources.
The Foundation has agreed to donate $180,000 to Herzog Hospital, which is half the cost of the new oxygen generator, on condition that we can raise the additional $180,000 by June 15. You can now be part of the miracle by donating whatever amount you can to help us reach our goal.
Alternatively, you can send your cheque to your local Herzog Hospital Friends group
We know that you will join us in thanking the various organizations and donors who have made these miracles happen. We hope you will be part of the miracle.
The children of Herzog Hospital thank you so very much!

Please help us to help Herzog Hospital during this extremely difficult time.