Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital,
In this time of crisis in our beloved Israel, our thoughts and our prayers are with the victims and families of the murdered and wounded in this senseless violence.
In response, Herzog Hospital’s Israel Centre for the Treatment of Psychotrauma stands ready to assist and is offering free counselling services to help people cope with the current violence.

As the Psychotrauma Center has done so many times in the past, both in Israel and in response to international disasters, staff therapists will be providing counselling to any who feel they need someone to whom they can speak of their distress.
Services are available in Hebrew, English, Amharic and French, and this free service is being advertised both in the Israel media and on the Trauma Center’s Facebook page. The contact details and hours of operation are attached.
We respectfully request your kind support in continuing to help us to provide assistance to those of our Israeli brothers and sisters who are so desperately in need of moral support in this troubled time.
We pray for peace and a speedy resolution to this conflict.
Yours sincerely,
Wendy Switzer Myles,
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