Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital-
We are proud to announce that Herzog’s Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma-Metiv has now relocated to the new Glassman Ambulatory PTSD and Health Center on Herzog’s growing campus. Thanks to an extraordinary donation from the Jewish National Fund in Canada, Herzog was able to construct this 5-floor facility. The Trauma Center will now be able to continue its exceptional and internationally recognized work in the field in a new modern building specifically designed to meet its needs.
In addition to the Trauma Center, the new building will also house the Hospital’s Community Mental Health Center. There will also be a separate entrance for the Children’s Clinic-all previously had been in rented facilities in different parts of Jerusalem. We also plan to open several new outpatient services for the elderly in the Glassman Center.
This marks a major milestone, and fulfillment of a dream to construct an ambulatory center at Herzog Hospital to consolidate all outpatient services and provide new ones.
With the continuing opening of additional floors to admit more patients in the new Samson Medical Pavilion and now the opening of the Glassman Center, Herzog Hospital has certainly grown to become Herzog Medical Center.
Hanukkah marks a special anniversary for Herzog. The hospital was established on the fifth night of Hanukkah in 1894. So this year we are celebrating our 127th birthday.
Happy Birthday Herzog Medical Center!!!
Please help us to help Herzog Hospital during this extremely difficult time.