Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital,
The world is watching with concern the missile barrages on Israel.
In response to these reprehensible and cowardly acts of violence, Herzog Hospital has rapidly opened a second department in our new Medical Pavilion to accept patients from hospitals in the south of Israel. This has been done to free up space to treat those wounded in the missile attacks in the south. Upon the request of Israel’s Ministry of Health, over 20 patients requiring respiratory or rehabilitation care have been transferred to Herzog Hospital.
We all know how Israelis stick together in times of crisis. Herzog Hospital is doing its part!
Who could imagine when we launched our campaign over ten years ago to build a new pavilion adding an additional 300 beds, that our services and care would be called upon to help in national crises? First, we opened the sheltered underground hospital which eventually housed as many as 120 Covid patients. And now, even though three full floors in the new pavilion are not yet completed because of lack of funds, we are so fortunate that we are in a position to quickly open an additional department in response to the vile missile attacks from the Gaza Strip.
Please consider a donation to help us rise to this challenge, and help our beleaguered neighbours!
We should all know peaceful times, quickly.
Yours sincerely,

Please help us to help Herzog Hospital during this extremely difficult time.