Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital,
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Michael Gordon has recently joined the Board of Directors of Canadian Friends of Herzog Hospital!
Dr. Gordon is well-known to many of you from his years as Chief of Medicine at Baycrest, Head of Geriatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital, and Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. He was also, for years, a frequent columnist for The Canadian Jewish News.
Dr. Gordon has extensive experience and knowledge in Geriatrics and Geriatric Cognitive Research, and we are confident that Dr. Gordon will be a tremendous asset to our Board.
Following is Dr. Gordon – in his own words!

Born in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, I attended Brooklyn Technical High School and, later, Brooklyn College, hoping to follow in my father’s footsteps in Engineering. In my third year, I took a six-month trip to Europe, where I met a group of Danish medical students and, at the same time, read A.J. Cronin’s book The Citadel and Paul de Kruif’s Microbe Hunters. When I returned home, these factors influenced me to change my plans from Engineering to Medicine, preferably overseas, so I could travel.
I studied at Scotland’s University of St. Andrew’s Medical School, attending the Dundee campus. This was followed by training in Scotland, Israel, Boston, and Montreal; when I returned to Israel to live, I accepted a position at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Hospital while concurrently doing my military service in the Israeli Air Force as a physician. During my training at Shaare Zedek, I did medical consultations at what was then Ezrath Nashim Hospital, the forerunner of the current Herzog Hospital.
Returning to Canada with my wife and family in 1973, I was on staff at Toronto’s Mount Sinai and Baycrest Hospitals. However, I continued my association with Herzog, both as an invited lecturer at Herzog during visits to Israel and doing cooperative work with Herzog while at Baycrest in training nurses.
As a University of Toronto faculty member, I was able to pursue a Master’s degree in Medical Ethics after many years of practice. As a medical school academic physician, teacher, and writer, I have given many lectures and seminars. I have authored a number of books and a myriad of articles on subjects in elder care, Medical Ethics, and observations on the challenges of life in a world and profession that is constantly changing.
Now retired, my time is spent writing, enjoying music, watching the birds in my front and back gardens, and engaging with our four house cats and the two feral cats who inhabit our back porch. Best of all, I am fortunate to witness the growth and development and accomplishments of my four children and their progeny.
I am honoured to be associated, once again, with Herzog Hospital, and I greatly look forward to working with its Canadian Friends Board in assisting this leader in Israeli medical excellence.
Michael Gordon, MD, FRCP, MSc. (medical ethics)